About us

Our Shed started in 2001 when a group of ten or so men, who all enjoyed woodworking, came together to form what was then called the Triton Users Group.

We encourage members to participate equally in their own projects and in our primary activities of making toys for charities and wildlife structures such as possum boxes, bird boxes and beehives for community groups.

There is no requirement for new members to have woodworking skills as they will be able to learn as they go from skilled supervisors and the many knowledgeable, long-term members of our Shed.

The majority of our members are men who have retired but we also have a small number of women, young students, and people who are still employed.

Our members share in a desire to learn woodworking skills and to help our Shed to achieve its mental health and community well-being objectives.

We are a not-for-profit incorporated association registered with the NSW Department of Fair Trading.

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33A Sefton Rd Thornleigh NSW 2120