How to Join

Prospective members should complete the Online Membership Applicationt form which is below. Our Membership Officer will acknowledge receipt of your application and will contact you to set up an interview with two management committee members.

At the interview prospective members are taken through a presentation on life at our Shed and are given various written materials to make themselves familiar with prior to being inducted into our Shed.

Membership applications are considered for approval at monthly committee meetings after which the Membership Officer will contact new members and arrange for an induction to take place at our Shed.

At the induction new members will be taken through a practical presentation by a supervisor on the use and safety of the Shed’s tools and equipment. We will also ask you to complete an Emergency Contact Details form.

The standard membership fee is $125 per annum. Family membership (2 members) is $150 per annum and student membership is $50 per annum.

Online Membership Application Form

Have a query?

Contact Form


33A Sefton Rd Thornleigh NSW 2120