Our Charities – The Salvation Army

The Salvation Army is an international charitable organisation operating in 133 countries with its headquarters in London.

Commonly referred to as the “Sallies” or the “Salvos” the organisation runs charity shops, operates shelters for the homeless and provides disaster relief and humanitarian aid worldwide.

They are committed to the safety and wellbeing of people of all ages, particularly children.

Our Shed’s relationship with the Hornsby Salvation Army is through their service in the Hornsby centre which includes emergency relief, family store.

Every Christmas our Shed donates more than 200 wooden toys to the Hornsby Salvos for distribution statewide to underprivileged children.

Our Shed takes enormous pride and satisfaction from our long-term relationship with the Salvation Army of Hornsby.

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33A Sefton Rd Thornleigh NSW 2120